书名:50 Great American ShortStories 美国短篇小说精粹50篇 作者:Milton Crane 出版社名称:Bantam Classic 出版时间:2008 语种:英文 ISBN:9780553272949 商品尺寸:10.6 x2.8 x 17.4 cm 包装:简装 页数:654 50 Great American ShortStories《美国短篇小说精粹50篇》书中共收录了美国著名作家的经典短篇小说50篇,适合英文...
【孔夫子旧书网】【英文原版】Fifty Great Short Stories 五十个伟大的短篇小说。作者:Milton Crane(密尔顿·克瑞恩) 著,出版社:Random House US,售价:20,出版人:Random House US,年代:1983-08,装帧:2,线装:32开,刻印方式:平装,册数:
Milton Crane is Professor Emeritus of English Language and Literature at George Washington University and the University of Chicago. His is the author several books and articles on English literature, as well as the editor of the Bantam anthology, 50 Great American Short Stories. ...
Fifty Great Short Stories 作者:Milton Crane(密尔顿·克瑞恩)著 出版社:Random House US 出版时间:1983-08 版次:1 ISBN:9780553277456 定价:30.00 装帧:平装 开本:32开 纸张:胶版纸 页数:592页 正文语种:英语 丛书:Bantam Classic 内容简介: 50GreatShortStoriesisacomprehensiveselectionfromtheworld'sfinestshortficti...
Random House for High School Teachers | Catalog | Fifty Great American Short Stories by Edited by Milton CraneFifty Great American Short StoriesBantam Classics
whole way, he had every person push him just 50 steps. D’Aleo reminds us that little things can make all the difference in the world. And in the end, a life of little stories and moments and experiences can add up to create something more amazing and special than its individual pieces...
We no longer know what good or great is. I am no follower of Ayn Rand, but in The Fountainhead, she predicted the rise of mediocrity, mediocrity being considered great and the norm we shoot for. It only stands to reason that at this point, some things can't even rise to that sad ...
“I was in this pub speaking to this guy the other day and he told me this great story. We’ve got to stick it in the movie,” Sturgess recalls. “So as much as it’s a story about Martin McGartland, it’s also stories of the people, tales from the pub or whatever. She’s ...
In 1862 the "Classis," or "The Great Presbyterial or Classical Council" of the Amoy churches, was accordingly founded, possessed of full powers to perform all duties devolving upon such a body. This also received the hearty approval of the brethren in the Presbyterian Church of England. The...
The Saudi rulers would have needed great assurances that their complicity in these attacks would not have been allowed to blow back at them. A further examination of evidence surrounding the 9/11 attacks will show that 9/11 was a Bush Syndicate plot in which the Saudis were complicit rather...