of her show and business the duchess of sussex and the baroness of tv talk shows got together to talk with love, meghan, “charming” harry, and much more. by erin vanderhoof hollywood netflix’s new crime drama adolescence will rattle and rivet you. here’s how its makers pulled it ...
See Society, Environment, Social London SIMON COWELL, 49 TV STAR/MUSIC MOGUL The success of X-Factor and Britain's Got Talent means rarely a Saturday night passes without one of his shows. He owns programme rights, too. See Television & Radio, Music ALISTAIR DARLING, 54 CHANCELLOR Cemen...
©20thCentFox/Everett Collection No stranger to making movies about small-town, working-class life (see:Sounder, Murphy’s Romance), Martin Ritt gave us this Oscar winner starring Sally Field as a great American every-hero: Norma Rae Webster, a widowed single mom whose family and friends al...