fifthly 显示所有例句 adv. 1. (用于列举)第五used to introduce the fifth of a list of points you want to make in a speech or piece of writing 例句 释义: 全部,第五 更多例句筛选 1. Fifthly, the currency had always been a highly sensitive subject requiring the utmost caution in handling...
Fifthly, continue work shifts security guarantee. 五是继续做好值班值守工作. 期刊摘选 Fifthlythe contraction policy should be adopted prudently on the upswing of foreign reserve. 五是在储备大幅上升的时候慎用紧缩性的货币政策. 期刊摘选 Fifthly, knowledge and human can not be partitioned, they are...
fifthly是什么意思、fifthly怎么读 读音:英[ˈfɪfθli] 美[ˈfɪfθli] fifthly 基本解释 adv. 第五, 第五地 词组短语 1、fourthlyfifthly第四第五 2、fifthlygames 第五局 3、fifthlydefine 第五,界定 4、fifthlydefinition 第五,定义...
1.FifthlyRMB第五套人民币专区 2.FifthlyPart第五部分 3.fifthlyshould五要 4.fifthlywe should五要 用法例句 1. Fifthly, we need to consider the effect on the local population. 第五,我们必须考虑对当地居民的影响。 2. Fifthlyit is item economy estimate. ...
fifthly [英[ˈfɪfθli]] fifthly的意思、解释 adv.第五 网络第五;第五地;产品收费;第五个特点 更多
9.Don't judge me, it was my fifth choice. 别看不起我 这是我的第五志愿 10.And we do have an opening in fifth grade. 我们五年级的职位确实有空缺 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词fifthly的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
释义常用度 第五 第五地英英释义 Adverb: in the fifth place; "fifthly, we must adhere to the rules set by the local government"临近词 fifth-wheel fifth ventricle Fifth Air Force fifth disease Fifth Monarch fifth postulate fifth monarchy Fifth Crusade fifth fifth edition Fifth Republic...
英英释义 in the fifth place 访问沪江小D查看fifthly的更多详细解释> 词形变化 副词: fifthly 相关短语 middling (美棉分级标准中第五级) 中级 cheer up ad. 高兴起来,振作起来 ad in (打成平局后)发球人得的第一分 ad arbitrium adv.随意地,独断地 ad finem adv.最后 ad libitum adv.随意 ad colli...