Empty信号产生在Read时钟域中,来保证当读指针追赶上写指针时,Empty信号能及时产生;同理,Full信号产生在Write时钟域中。产生Empty信号比较容易,只需要Read Pointer与同步过来的Write Pointer相同即可产生Empty信号。 产生Full信号则较为复杂,之前我们知道当Write/Read Pointer最高位不一致,其余低位(即地址)相同时,可以判断...
Write Acknowledge Flag:写应答标志,可以在其下方设置高电平有效(Active High)还是低电平有效(Active ...
Optional, write acknowledge. This signal indicates that a write request (wr_en_i) during the prior clock cycle succeeded. Optional, overflow. This signal indicates that a write request (wr_en_i) during the prior clock cycle was rejected because the FIFO buffer is full. Overflowing the FIFO ...
.wr_ack(wr_ack), // 1-bit output: Write Acknowledge: This signal indicates that a write // request (wr_en) during the prior clock cycle is succeeded. .wr_data_count(wr_data_count), // WR_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-bit output: Write Data Count: This bus indicates // the number of words ...
.wr_ack(wr_ack), // 1-bit output: Write Acknowledge: This signal indicates that a write // request (wr_en) during the prior clock cycle is succeeded. .wr_data_count(wr_data_count), // WR_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-bit output: Write Data Count: This bus indicates ...
In addition, optional handshaking and error flags are supported (write acknowledge, overflow, valid, and underflow), and an optional data count provides the number of words in the FIFO. Common Clock: Virtex-4 Built-in FIFO This implementation category allows the user to select the built-in ...
This signal can be made active high or low through the GUI.•Write Acknowledge Flag : Asserted active on the clock cycle after a successful write has occurred. This signal can be made active high or low through the GUI.•Write Error Flag : Asserted active on the clock cycle after a ...
We have seen issues on a few builds and some devices where the first write to the FIFO didn't work. In these seldom cases, after initializing all entries in the FIFO we see that the FIFO's output is what was written on the second write and there were ...
EDIS; // This is needed to disable write to EALLOW protected registers PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.bit.INTx7=1; // Enable interrupts required for this example PieCtrlRegs.PIECTRL.bit.ENPIE = 1; // Enable the PIE block PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER9.bit.INTx1=1; // PIE Group 9, INT1 ...
end// Memory Write Block//写FIFO逻辑always @(posedge clk_i)//敏感事件仅取决于时钟上升沿begin:MEM_WRITEif(rstn_i&&chx_valid_i&&chx_ready_o&&slvx_en_i)begin//没复位,通道输入数据主动方认为有效,通道准备好,slave使能mem[wr_pointer_r[4:0]]<=chx_data_i;//把外部输入数据写入FIFO对应写指针...