I want to control the HPS GPIO from the HPS and send a reset signal from the HPS to the FIFO. (Run the C file from the on-board Linux and using memory mapping send a signal from the GPIO to the reset pin of the FIFO whenever I run the C file so that I get fresh samples ...
wire dout_valid ; //reset initialbeginclk_slow =0; clk_fast =0; rstn =0;#50 rstn = 1 ;end//读时钟 clock_slow 较快于写时钟 clk_fast 的1/4//保证读数据稍快于写数据parameterCYCLE_WR =40; always#(CYCLE_WR/2/4) clk_fast = ~clk_fast ;always#(CYCLE_WR/2-1) clk_slow = ~clk...
I want to control the HPS GPIO from the HPS and send a reset signal from the HPS to the FIFO. (Run the C file from the on-board Linux and using memory mapping send a signal from the GPIO to the reset pin of the FIFO whenever I run the C file so that I get fresh samples ...
First, the method will cause your FIFO reset to be both synchronous-ON and synchronous-OFF with wr_clk. This is certainly OK but only the synchronous-OFF part of the reset is necessary. -and, not having an asynchronous-ON reset can mean that you need to hold resets ON longer for them...
while(mpu_dmp_get_data(&pitch,&roll,&yaw)!=0){} 就是上面这么一句话,如果读取失败,马上进行第二次读取,这时候FIFO一般没有溢出,搞定!(因为检测到FIFO溢出后会马上reset一下FIFO)。 最后上一发图: int dmp_read_fifo(short *gyro, short *accel, long *quat, ...
23 .reset(~rst_n), // input reset 24 .locked(locked), // output locked 25 // Clock in ports 26 .clk_in1(clk)); // input clk_in1 27 28 fifo_wr fifo_wr_inst( 29 30 .clk (fifo_wr_clk), 31 .rst_n (locked ),
aWalton went on to discuss a version of the vertical elutriator that is more commonly found in practice Walton谈论实践上通常被找到垂直的淘析器的版本[translate] awarburg warburg[translate] aFIFO Write Point Software Reset. FIFO写点软件重新设置。[translate]...
ing,leadingtoincompletepacketwritingintoFIFOandthussystemfailure.ThereforeagoodFIFOresetstrategyis necessary. KeywordsFIFO;logicaldesign;resetstrategy 各种上报数据包按图1给出的时序送到某总线接 口,并写入接口内部FIFO。内部FIFO分两部分:一是 命令FIFO,用来缓存数据包的长度、目的地址和序列 ...
clk_wiz_0clk_inst(.clk_out1(clk_200m),.clk_out2(clk_100m),.resetn(I_rstn),.locked(clk_locked),.clk_in1(I_sysclk)); //复位计数器模块 always@(posedgeclk_100m)begin if(!clk_locked) rst_cnt <=10'd0; elseif(rst_cnt[9] ==1'b0) ...