找到Quartus中生成的FIFO模块的 verilog文件,把它复制到Modelsim工程中;此外,FIFO仿真还需要的文件是: Altera库文件:altera_mf.v ,220_model.v (前一篇有提到这两个文件的位置) 数据发生器文件:datagene.v (参考特权同学的博客,里面可以下载到) PLL模块:sys_ctrl.v clk_ctrl.v前一篇博文有提到 FIFO模块:wrfi...
1.使用端口数组的情况,FIFO要优于IMP。参考模型中有16个端口要和scoreboard通信: 2.imp 1)model: 2)scoreboard: 3)env 这样好麻烦。 3.FIFO 1)scoreboard: 2)model:和上面是一样的,区别是节FIFO 还是IMP。 3)env: 4.两者各有优劣,自行选择。
在一级考试中,经过参加过CFA考试学员总结:其中难点不乏各种计价方法,LIFO和FIFO,2个lease,资本化和费用化,回购和分股利,折旧和摊销,存货,无形资产,长期资产r*uation model,折旧方法,tax rate的变化,折价和溢价债券,funded status,几种改变现金流的方法,3种security的会计处理,GAAP和IFRS的区别,这些都是财报的重中...
I would really appreciate any assistance on the architecture - I am really stuck. I attach the type of structure I have been grappling with. Any help would be amazing. Thanks
模块和模块之间的通过模块的接口实现关联, 因此规范的时序设计, 对于程序设计的过程, 以及程序的维护, 团队之间的沟通都是非常必要的。 命名规则 1、 顶层文件 对象+功能+top 比如:video_oneline_top 2、 逻辑控制文件 介于顶层和驱动层文件之间 对象+ctr ...
The presented asynchronous FIFO model is constructed by commonly used hardware-description language and synthesized using the conventional EDA tools and methods for synchronous design. The purpose of this work is to construct a reusable asynchronous FIFO design which suits the commonly used synchronous ...
高速异步FIFO的设计与实现-高速异步FIFO的设计与实现 引言 现代集成电路芯片中,随着设计规模的不断扩大.一个系统中往往含有数个时钟。多时钟带来的一个问题就是,如何设
0001891[Resin]minoralways07-23-07 09:3009-06-07 12:05 ReporterfergView Statuspublic Assigned Toferg PrioritynormalResolutionfixed StatusclosedProduct Version3.1.2 Description(rep by Matthew Schmidt) The new fifo model introduces some instabilities in the connection idle pool. ...
一个可以综合的Verilog 写的FIFO存储器 Synthesizable FIFO Model This example describes a synthesizable implementation of a FIFO. The FIFO depth and FIFO width in bits can be modified by simply changing the value of two parameters, `FWIDTH and `FDEPTH. For this example, the FIFO depth is 4 and...
A. Finkel and G. Memmi "Fifo nets: a new model of parallel computation" Proc. of the 6th G.I. Conf. on Theor. Comp. Sci., RFA, Dortmund, L.N.C.S No. 145, Springer-Verlag, (January 1983).Finkel, A., Memmi, G.: FIFO nets: a new model of parallel computation. In: Creme...