在java5中新增加了java.util.Queue接口,用以支持队列的常见操作。 Queue接口继承自java.util.Collection接口。 Queue的常用实现: Deque, LinkedList, PriorityQueue, BlockingQueue 等类。 Queue 用来存放 等待处理元素 的集合,这种场景一般用于缓冲、并发访问。 常见Queue的特点 Queue public interface Queue<E> extends...
Device Tree NVIDIA DRIVE OS6.0Third-Party Software Licenses In FIFO mode no images are discarded. When a producer adds image frames to the stream, they are placed in a queue for subsequent retrieval by the consumer. EGLStream sets the queue size when it creates the queue. If the producer ...
uint8_t clr= USART3->DR;//according to the data sheet, IDLE mode needs to be clear DR followed by SR.clr = USART3->SR; clr= clr;//for get rid of the warningUSART_ClearITPendingBit(USART3, USART_IT_IDLE); xQueueSendFromISR(Usart_Queue, g_rx_buff,&xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);if(x...
具有相同优先级的所有实时进程都保存在一个链表中,表头为active.queue[prio],而active.bitmap位图中的每个比特位对应于一个链表,凡包含了进程的链表,对应的比特位则置位。如果链表中没有进程,则对应的比特位不置位。 struct rt_prio_array是一组链表,每个优先级对应一个链表。还维护一个bitmap,其中实时进程优先...
队列说明队列(queue)是一种先进先出的(First In First Out)的线性表,简称FIFO。队列允许在一端进行插入操作,而在另一端进行删除操作。允许插入的一端为队尾,允许删除的一端为队头。队列不允许在中间部位进行操作。这里就不再做过多介绍了,开始进程中队列通信说明...
getSortedTaskSetQueue } sortedTaskSetQueue } 可见排序核心的算法在taskSetSchedulingAlgorithm.comparator里,而两种模式的taskSetSchedulingAlgorithm对应的实现也不一样: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 var taskSetSchedulingAlgorithm: SchedulingAlgorithm = { schedulingMode match { case...
void Enter_LowPowerMode(void){ /* Set the device state to suspend */ bDeviceState = SUSPENDED...
The FIFO Generator core is a fully verified first-in, first-out (FIFO) memory queue ideal for applications require in-order data storage and retrieval.
In direct mode, the FIFO error flag can also be set under the following conditions: • In the peripheral-to-memory mode, the FIFO can be saturated (overrun) if the memory bus is not granted for several peripheral requests • In the memory-to-peripheral mode, an underrun condition may ...