Football Manager(也就是FM足球经理)更专业一点 ,,,球员数据,比赛战术,,,培养小牛,你要花大量时间去入门玩好 成大师很难 如果你玩FIFA MANAGER FIFA足球经理 那个内容似乎更多一点,比如运动,,买房子,球场外生活 但专业性小;BUG 一把一把 你要看球少,只是娱乐娱乐就玩它吧 专业与否而已...
Football Manager(也就是FM足球经理)更专业一点 ,,,球员数据,比赛战术,,,培养小牛,你要花大量时间去入门玩好 成大师很难 如果你玩FIFA MANAGER FIFA足球经理 那个内容似乎更多一点,比如运动,,买房子,球场外生活 但专业性小;BUG 一把一把 你要看球少,只是娱乐娱乐就玩它吧 专业...
首先,两款游戏的开发者和发布平台不同。FIFA足球经理是由国际足联(FIFA)授权,并由Electronic Arts(EA)公司开发的一系列足球管理模拟游戏。而FM足球经理则是由英国公司Sports Interactive开发,并由世嘉公司(Sega)发行的《足球经理》(Football Manager)系列游戏。这导致了两者在游戏设计和游戏体验上的...
FIFA may not offer the most realistic experience but it provides what Football Manager lacks in regards to having complete control over the gameplay aspect, as well as having many superior graphics to the management simulation game. In terms of its gameplay, FIFA has made strong strides this yea...
Indeed, many clubs have been using the impressively extensive Football Manager database for player recruitment, while certain teams are exploring ways in which virtual reality can aid recovery from injury. Former Rangers and Aston Villa manager Alex McLeish was famously informed of the talent...
这个每年被玩家吐槽的模式还有翻身之日吗?其实 EA 手中还有一个杀手锏,就是 FIFA Manager。
FIFA、Football Manager联手 反种族歧视暂停更新社交平台 有留意英国球坛信息的足球迷,可能会发现由昨日(4月30日)起,球队的社交平台突然变得沉寂,其实这是英国足球界为期4天对社交平台的联合抵制期,目的是对网民在社交平台的歧视和欺凌行为,还有社交媒体公司反应迟缓作出抗议。不少球迷利用社交平台,向球圈中人或...
The home of football across the globe, FIFA bring you the very latest tournament news, player exclusives and live match content all in one place.
Football manager Sven-Goran Eriksson dies after battle with cancer The first foreign coach to lead the England team, the affable Swede was held in high regard for helping to improve performance Save July 23 2024 Football Football players and leagues to lodge anti-Fifa complaint with Brussels ...