kloss15 初级粉丝 1 看了外网相关的论坛 FIFA23貌似也有很多人有这个问题 觉得是个BUG来的https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Controller-not-working-pc-fifa-23/td-p/11857309 9楼2022-10-02 20:03 收起回复 卡卡魂year 核心会员 7
"controllerTextHoverColor":"var(--lia-nav-controller-icon-hover-color)","controllerHighlightColor":"hsla(30, 100%, 50%)","controllerHighlightTextColor":"var(--lia-yiq-light)","controllerBorderRadius":"var(--lia-border-radius-50)","hamburgerColor":"var(--lia-nav-controller-icon-color)"...
What happens when the bug occurs? You cant use the pro nintendo switch controller.What should be happening instead? I should be able to use the controller. Does Fifa 23 EA sports support Pro Nintendo Switch Controller? If not, which controller does it support? 0 + XP Me too ...
Input loss:When an input is performed correctly on a controller, but it’s not reflected in-game. This is sometimes referred to as “buttons not registering.” Game speed:When the online gameplay doesn’t appear to be running at the expected speed. You might know this as “playing on ice...
等一会儿,然后在side changer选项处,点开,会出现cpu vs cpu,前面勾选X,然后下面有个controller ...
In some cases, in Kick Off, custom controller settings could reset to default. Known issue under investigation on the EASF Tracker: If Playtime Match Limits are set and reached, the message delivering this information could not be closed. ...
将里面的人机接口设备中的HID-compliant game controller禁用即可 分享21 xbox手柄吧 112787偶人 玩fifa23会出现两个手柄,大佬们有没解决方法 分享113 fifa23吧 贴吧用户_a4QVQX9 求助求助求助fifa23手柄北通手柄,为啥就一直识别成ps +1 分享163 fifa吧 sparksh FIFA23设置好了怎么保存呢,每次进游戏都要改重新改...
(1) own or have access to FIFA 23 on the PS5; (2) own or have access to a PS5 and compatible controller; (3) have a valid account forPlayStationNetwork (“Account for PSN”)and an associated PSN ID; (4) have a valid subscription to an activePlayStationPlusmembership; (5) b...
23456..15 limnono 2015-9-21 23:43 44677863 q642606 2024-5-1 21:16 预览 [补丁] FIFA16_DB编辑工具_i68 Controller 2.0.2[修正一些BUG] 395730507 2015-9-15 22:26 67804 abcbbccbcdbc 2024-4-22 09:11 预览 [原创] 【野生速攻组】【不二龙一】《FIFA16》PC版试玩解说 女足比赛 美国VS德国...
我发现在 我的文档的fifasetup.ini里 少了一行 CONTROLLER_DEFAULT=1 而且在setting里面 除了画质和声音 也少了手柄选择360和传统的那个页面 分享63 fifaonline4吧 忆孤生♂ xdm,知道手控门将手柄怎么按吗,想学学 分享8赞 fifaonline3吧 特朗普☎吃西瓜 手柄怎么颠球?RT+LB?这也不是啊 分享7赞 fifa21吧 ...