Go inside FIFA 22 with the Official Gameplay Trailer. Powered by Football, FIFA 22 introduces HyperMotion Technology on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and
《FIFA 22》今年在GAMEPLAY方面重点宣传次世代平台独占的HyperMotion技术,简单来说就是多方位提升比赛真实感,这也是次世代与本世代相比最大的区别。而和发售前预想的相似,该技术噱头大于实际,数十局比赛踢下来,HyperMotion能带来的体验提升确实有限。 直观的体验:球员动作的更加丰富,面对各种情况动作反应更加多样;默认操作设...
而对于评测《FIFA》这件事,简单粗暴地概括,其实就是“50% 的 GAMEPLAY + 50%的 UT”。如果一个人不玩 UT,他甚至连评测的资格都没有。 《FIFA》系列的 UT 模式发展到现在,已经成为了《FIFA》乃至 EA 最赚钱的利器,年净利润接近 19 亿美元、占 EA 年净收入将近 30%——这是 UT 模式令人震惊的成绩单。...
FIFA 足球 22XSS 游玩FIFA 22 Next Gen Gameplay (Xbox Series S) 视频播放量 126、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 Jareddddddd, 作者简介 ,相关视频:堡垒之夜: Xbox Series S 第一人称视 角实机测试 “你就是我”POV 手持相机,战
Powered by Football™, EA SPORTS™ FIFA 22 brings the game even closer to the real thing with fundamental gameplay advances and a new season of innovation across every mode. New gameplay features in FIFA 22 give you more consistency between the posts with a goalkeeper rewrite that brings mo...
EA SPORTS™ FIFA 22, der er Powered by Football™, bringer spillet endnu tættere på den virkelige verden med enorme gameplayforbedringer og nytænkning i alle spiltyper. Nye gameplayfunktioner i FIFA 22 giver dig mere pålidelige målmænd, der agerer med større overblik...
Powered by Football™, EA SPORTS™ FIFA 22 Legacy Edition on Nintendo Switch™ featuring the latest kits, clubs, and squads from some of top leagues around the world. It will also feature some of the world’s most famous stadiums, including some brand new to FIFA 22. Gameplay features...
刚刚EA SPORTS在网上举行了年度大作《FIFA22》的网上发布会,邀请了亚太地区记者预览《FIFA22》DEMO游戏画面及介绍最新的Gameplay技术,而unwire.hk记者更特别和FIFA游戏Lead Gameplay Producer–Sam Rivera进行了独家访问。法国巴黎圣日耳门前锋Kylian Mbappé蝉联《FIFA22》的封面人物,也是继Lionel Messi和Cristiano Ronaldo...
EA SPORTS™ FIFA 22 brings the game even closer to the real thing with fundamental gameplay advances and a new season of innovation across every mode. New gameplay features in FIFA 22 give you more consistency between the posts with a goalkeeper rewrite that brings more composure to the...