Download Game a game by EA Sports Platforms: PC, Playstation 2 (2002) Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 2 reviews User Rating: 6.9/10 - 18 votes Rate this game: See also: Download Sport Games, Sports Management Games, Soccer Video Games, FIFA Games View all 39 FIFA World Cup ...
FIFA World Cup 2002 is the best PC Soccer game available at the moment. Like Muhammad Ali pulling the 'rope-a-dope' EA has bounced back from producing three or four dodgy incarnations of the license and answered the criticisms of the past with a knock out blow to all opposing PC Soccer ...
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Finally, all your favorite game modes are back: Friendly, League, Custom and 2002 FIFA World Cup Qualification. There are over 75 licensed national teams and 16 licensed leagues including the English Premier League, German Bundesliga, Spanish Premier League, the French LNF, and Major League Soccer...
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