Download Game a game by EA Sports Platforms: PC, Playstation 2 (2002) Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 2 reviews User Rating: 6.9/10 - 18 votes Rate this game: See also: Download Sport Games, Sports Management Games, Soccer Video Games, FIFA Games View all 39 FIFA World Cup ...
FIFA World Cup 2002 is the best PC Soccer game available at the moment. Like Muhammad Ali pulling the 'rope-a-dope' EA has bounced back from producing three or four dodgy incarnations of the license and answered the criticisms of the past with a knock out blow to all opposing PC Soccer ...
FIFA 2002 is all about skill and player's creativity, and that's indeed a quality change over the previous installments, especially if you're into multiplayer matches. Man, FIFA 2002 in multiplayer is loads more fun than FIFA 2001. If you have a chance, be sure to connect a few PC's ...
if you cannot download trainer then go to Chrome/Firefox's settings, specifically to the Privacy settings and simply unchecking the "Enable phishing and malware protection" option. Similar trainers/cheats: 2002 FIFA World Cup [cheats] 2002 FIFA World Cup [GC] ...
Great game. As great as: FA Premier League Manager 2002, UEFA Manager 2000 and Premier Manager Ninety Nine (PM99). ↑↓ ZS2022-12-011point @Hantu Can't confirm that there isn't anything fishy with this one but here's a link to the editor: ...
FIFA2002世界杯-PC平台 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2010-12-23 18:40:36上线。视频内容简介:充满史诗感的FIFA2002世界杯主题游戏。
基本操作与FIFA 2002大致相同,但有一些明显改进,为了让各位球迷更好地掌握操控技巧,特将这次新加入的操作归纳如下: ◆ 自己控球时 W:较以往有改变,按下w不松手为加速模式,敲击W为冲刺模式。后者尤其在前锋攻至对方前场时要多加运用,是甩开对方防守球员造成单刀球的必杀招,当然前提是你控制的球员速度快,比如乌拉圭...
游戏速度 很慢,开球比UT慢,感觉比19开球慢 速度快的球员感觉很快,姆巴佩感觉像火箭一样,如果他穿过后卫,没 7177 fifa吧 FIFA2000 FIFA2002下载地址(直接点右键另存为即可!) 分享11赞 湖北...
The millennium installment of EAs popular soccer franchise brings a new match engine, over 450 club teams and 40 national from all over the world and also allowing to make dream matches between some of the Worlds' finest teams ever, such as Man. Utd...
(观察者网讯)6月30日,FIFA世界杯官方Ins账号发布视频回顾了2002年世界杯韩国队的表现,并且称赞韩国队的世界杯之旅是“最特别的”。这条帖文遭到众多国外球迷怒斥,称“西班牙和意大利被打劫了!”“韩国人偷走了整个世界杯!”FIFA世界杯官方Ins截图 FIFA世界杯发布的这条视频长达2分14秒,由当年的比赛集锦和...