To create your Pro, simply start a new Player Career from the main menu. You can decide on a number of aesthetic details for your player - his facial features, body type, boots worn, etc. The only of these that really matter are the body type details. Larger players will be stronger ...
FIFA 15 Career Mode One of FIFA’s most popular modes continues to improve as managing and finding players becomes even more authentic. Player Growth–FIFA 15has a more realistic system for player growth and potential. Highly rated older players won’t retire as quickly and high potential player...
2 pt When playing in Player Career mode in FIFA 14 my teammates would freely move and pass the ball, I should just focus on staying well positioned and the game would go on. Now in FIFA 15 there is a blue line and target in front of one of my teammates that would make him r...
Make sure you're on update 17.1 (the latest), and give the mod the highest priority, where the number 1 is located. If you're on an existing career with players with "content" mood, they will become very happy in a few career days when the morale updates Hp6 member 0 kudos 15...
Career Mode: Players with this trait put loyalty to their club above their own personal interests, which will drive storylines in Career Mode. This has no effect on gameplay.Dives Into Tackles 滑铲CPU AI: A CPU AI-controlled Player with this trait will be more likely to use a sliding ...
FIFA23 Career Mode MOD【生涯模式MOD】更新内容:1.将一个团队所需的GK的最小数量从2个更改为3个 ...
I'd like to know how to restart my player career in FIFA15. I have searched everywhere and have not found this option. Is it even possible? I want to make a completely new player career and start from the beginning. Help please. 3 people had this problem. Reply 1 + XP Me too...
- Added 'Home/Away Team Injured players'- Added pointers for player name and birthdate to "Edit...
Team Sheets are available in Career Mode, Match Day (Kick-Off), Online Friendlies, and Tournaments. Instructions Up to five attacking and defending player instructions can be applied to each of the ten outfield players. These instructions let you manage the attacking runs and defensive positions ...
Player Growths represents how much rating points the young player may increase. Complete list of the 100 highest players growths in FIFA 14 Career Mode.