由EA官方TWITTER和FACEBOOK公布,地址为:TWITTER:@EASPORTSFIFA https://twitter.com/EASPORTSFIFAFB:https://www.facebook.com/FIFAUltimateTeam1.mega pack:(3.5w 30件物品,18件稀有)持续几天甚至一周的这种超大包很容易让市场从卖方市场变成买方市场,供大于求,物价走低。此包一般可以开一开,就算没有好球员,...
Download Real Madrid - Facepack Final. This is a mod for FIFA 14 video game. IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.FIFA 14 MODS GALLERY Creation Master 14 Beta 2.0 Posted by Rinaldo on October 23 Inter Facepack + Seria A Missing Mini ...
The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game feature a new game engine called the Ignite Engine. This features both graphical and gameplay advances on the previous game engine used by the FIFA series, the Impact Engine (which is used for the, PlayStation 3, PC and Xbox 360 version...
First of all, thank you very much to @tokke001 for FIFA Converter tool and for the FIFA PC Pack Tool, thanks also to Pachinko Facemods (I don't know if he will see this), thanks to your help this was possible. I will be posting some faces converted from PES/EFootball here. If ...
预览 [补丁] 【各类头像大补】FM12 MegaFacepack Pekadus【各类头像共达104.403之巨,大小3.85GB】(修复链接) ...23456..37 新月小风 2012-12-29 10:53 108343398 icequeen2003 2024-11-23 05:50 预览 [补丁] 【全国首发!3DM下载站/网盘分流】《FIFA足球经理13(FIFA Manager 13)》1号升级档+破解补丁[...
预览 [补丁] 【各类头像大补】FM12 MegaFacepack Pekadus【更新115盘下载链接,各类头像共达104.403之巨,大小3.85GB】 tuyu24 2012-5-22 15:44 2415028 bnct 2017-2-16 18:52 预览 [分享] 最强阵型大合集发布 jimp7777p 2011-11-26 11:04 189433 pliang005 2016-12-28 19:29 预览 [补丁] 3D脸型...
The on-sale bundle includes a mini instant camera and a 10-pack of Instax film. Choose from six colors. "This camera has been pretty fun to use," wrote a Walmart customer. "It came with everything you need to get started: camera, batteries, film, and wrist strap. This would be fu...
The on-sale bundle includes a mini instant camera and a 10-pack of Instax film. Choose from six colors. "This camera has been pretty fun to use," wrote a Walmart customer. "It came with everything you need to get started: camera, batteries, film, and wrist strap. This...
"For Ultimate Team, when you buy a pack you know what you are getting. You are getting a certain number of assets that are guaranteed - and we're going to start to do pack odds disclosures that'll show you the odds of what you might get," said Daryl Holt, VP and COO of EA Spor...
Sep 3, 2021 #4 Hello Harry, nice to know you're back . I can help using CM14 if you want. Tell me what kind of help you need (players, ratings, transfers, squads etc...). nithsson Sep 3, 2021 #5 Hello Harry. How are you? I hope and well. One Questi...