结果显示,FIFA 11+项目的长期应用改善了大多数运动员的生物力学测量和生理响应,但对下肢稳定性、踝关节旋转时间延迟、踝关节背屈和本体感觉的影响不明显。与动态热身相比,FIFA 11+对运动员体能表现产生严重的负面影响,而对技术能力的影响则不显著,...
The FIFA 11+ program is effective in preventing injuries in elite male basket- ball players: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Am J Sports Med. 2012;40(5):996-1005.Longo UG, Loppini M, Berton A, Marinozzi A, Maffulli N, Denaro V (2012) The FIFA 11? program is effective in ...
首先,你需要在游戏安装目录下找到"FIFA 11",具体路径是"X:\Program Files\FIFA 11\Game\fifasetup",然后打开fifaconfig文件夹。在这个文件夹中,你会看到一个名为"in-game keyboard"的选项,这是你调整键位设置的地方,它延续了《FIFA2010》的经典设置,便于键盘党快速上手。
"Suppression Exe"="""Registration"="Software\\Electronic Arts\\EA Sports\\FIFA 11\\ergc"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA Sports\FIFA 11\1.0]"DisplayName"="FIFA 11""Language"=dword:00000013 "LanguageName"="English (UK)""ProgramGroup"="H:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Win...
Since the FIFA 11+ launch, key publications have confirmed the preventive effects of the programme and have evaluated its performance effects in female as well as male amateur football players. Furthermore, implementation strategies of this prevention programme have also been studied. The goal of ...
The FIFA 11+ program for the prevention of injuries in basketball: A cluster randomized controlled trial Introduction: structured training programs for sports injury prevention ("The 11" and "The 11+") have been validated in soccer. We investigated the effectiveness of the FIFA 11+ program in ...
The pre and post FIFA 11+ program reduced the total number of injuries (χ2 (1)=11.549, p=0.001) and the incidence of initial injury (χ2 (2)=8.987, p=0.003) significantly more than the pre FIFA 11+ program alone. However, the odds of suffering a recurrent injury were not different...
主题词: Football;Futsal;Injury prevention;Systematic review 摘要:Background:The side effects of the FIFA 11+program on performance have not been generally reviewed.The objective of this study was to synthesize the literature on the effects of the 11+ on players' performance.Methods:Five online ...
《FIFA 11》传统键位设置 由于本人是一名不折不扣的键盘当,自己本本键盘不能用了,换了一蓝牙键盘^-^,最近键盘党估计比较不适应fifa11的设置,特制作了图片教材,供大伙使用。 使用方法:打开安装目录下的“X:\Program Files\FIFA 11\Game\fifasetup”文件夹下的fifaconfig,里边选in-game keyboard,见图,为fifa2010...
BACKGROUND: The FIFA 11+injury prevention program has been shown to decrease the risk of soccer injuries in men and women. The program has also been shown to decrease time loss resulting from injury. However, previous studies have not specifically investigated how the program might impact the ra...