Fiesta ST 第七代Fiesta ST车型搭载了一台1.5升EcoBoost三缸涡轮增压发动机,最大功率达到了200 PS。
The Fiesta ST is reaching the end of its long and illustrious career, soon to be replaced by a younger, sleeker, Vervier model.But before the ST is quietly put to sleep and sold off to the local glue factory, Ford has released a special edition of its hot supermini to remind us ...
第六代嘉年华还首次进入了澳大利亚市场销售,而Fiesta ST车型在澳大利亚则被称为Fiesta XR4。 第七代嘉年华Mk7(2008年至今) 2008年,第七代嘉年华上市。第七代嘉年华采用了福特kinetic设计理念,运用了大量时尚动感的元素,饱满的表面、动感的线条与大胆的造型,勾勒出新嘉年华精巧活力的外形,将年轻时尚的个性小车魅力展现的...
第六代嘉年华还首次进入了澳大利亚市场销售,而Fiesta ST车型在澳大利亚则被称为FiestaXR4。 第七代嘉年华Mk7(2008年至今) 2008年,第七代嘉年华上市。第七代嘉年华采用了福特kinetic设计理念,运用了大量时尚动感的元素,饱满的表面、动感的线条与大胆的造型,勾勒出新嘉年华精巧活力的外形,将年轻时尚的个性小车魅力展现的淋...
FordFiesta ST specs Price in Europe€18,025 Car typeCompact Curb weight1137-1153 kg (2507-2542 lbs) Introduced2005 Origin countryGermany Gas mileage12.9-6.5 l/100 km (18-36 mpg US / 22-43 mpg UK) Views62.4k Lap times TrackTime 0-80 km/h 5,1 s 0-100 km/h 7,3 s 0-120 km/h 9,5 s 0-130 km/h 10,8 s 0-160 km/h 16,7 s 0-180 km/h 23,2 s 0-...
(fɪˈɛstə;Spanishˈfjesta) n 1.a religious festival or celebration, esp on a saint's day 2.a holiday or carnival [Spanish, from Latinfesta, plural offestumfestival; see feast] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 19...
Read the definitive used Ford Fiesta 2008 - 2017 review from What Car?. We tell you what you need to know before you buy.
Ford of Europe is reinventing its small car range for a new generation of customers in 2008, starting with a stylish and exciting all-new Fiesta. The