Fiesta Online is a free to play 3D Anime style MMORPG where thousands of players live in and explore a colourful and magical online fantasy world!
Fiesta Online Overview Set in the vibrant and colorful world of Isya, Fiesta is a free-to-play MMORPG featuring dynamic in-game events, player-vs-player content, professions, plenty of quests, friendly GMs and an engaging community of players. Designed to be accessible to both new and ...
流星Fiesta Online NA免费加速器,采用高端服务器和驱动级加速技术,配备顶级游戏专线,解决用户延迟、掉线、卡顿等问题,支持绝地求生、LOL、GTA5、星际战甲、CSGO、LOL英雄联盟、DNF地下城与勇士、CF穿越火线等千款中外网游,支持美服日服欧服韩服台服国际服等,大幅提高
Gather your fearless allies in the heart-pounding realms of Fiesta Online, where the fate of Isya rests on your shoulders. Prepare to wage war against the malevolent grip of Legel's corruption, forging powerful bonds with fellow adventurers as you embark
Free, with option to pay for additional features.Play Fiesta now!Tags: RPG, Social Game, Anime Game, Fantasy Game, 3D Game, PvE, PvP, CraftingFind the right online game for you with this chart!Home Contact Advertise Submit a Game Links ...
Fiesta Online is a unique free to play anime MMORPG played by an active and friendly community. In a magical and colorful world, players assume the role of a fantasy hero and brave powerful enemies and challenging quests. +Add media RSS Spiral Tower 4 This is a modal window. The media ...
由韩国游戏公司Onson Soft公司开发,Outspark负责欧美地区代理的3D卡通MMORPG《Fiesta Online》官方网站近日放出了将在下个版本中添加进游戏的新职业小丑(Joker)的揭秘。小丑将是一个可以双持武器,非常依赖操作技巧的敏捷型角色,能够使用各种“诡计”来迷惑敌人并进行攻击,这也是游戏公布的第六个职业。
This page is astub: it lacks content and/or basic article components. You can help toexpand this pageby adding an image or additional information. Fiesta Online Developers Onson Soft Publishers gamigo AG Release dates WindowsFebruary 1, 2008 ...
韩国《Fiesta Online》近期宣布105级将启动 韩国游戏公司Onson Soft公司开发的MMORPG《Fiesta Online》,近期宣布其最新的105级将于4月22号启动。105级中有新地图亟待开发,致命的怪兽也在等待着你。但是也有新的装备和技能提供给所有等级和角色的玩家。 下面奉上8张最新最漂漂的壁纸。
光之国度美服客户端压缩包fiestaonline 只看楼主收藏回复 光space 王国无双 8 链接: 密码:zmv6下载完之后解压到英文路径下,win7可直接打开使用。注册地址:有想要玩的可加Q群:133180117 送TA礼物 1楼2017-03-20 10:08回复 ytwok...