This example shows a disabled<fieldset>with two controls inside it. Note how both the controls are disabled due to being inside a disabled<fieldset>. html <formaction="#"><fieldsetdisabled><legend>Disabled login fieldset</legend><div><labelfor="name">Name:</label><inputtype="text"id="...
nameHTML5 The name associated with the group. The label for the field set is given by the first<legend>element that is a child of this field set. Examples Example #1: Form with fieldset, legend, and label <form action="test.php" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Title</legend> <...
setCustomValidity type validationMessage validity willValidate Legend Tip: you can click/tap on a cell for more information. Full support Full support See implementation notes. See also The HTML element implementing this interface:<fieldset>. Mozilla ads...
In January 1997, HTML 3.2 introduces forms and some form controls, but does not include the fieldset or legend elements. In July 1997, the first draft of HTML 4.0 introduces the fieldset and legend elements: The FIELDSET element allows form designers to group thematically related controls toget...
Become a caniuse Patron to support the site and disable ads for only $1/month! or Log in Site links Home Feature index Browser usage table Feature suggestion list Caniuse data on GitHub Legend Green ✅ = Supported Red ❌ = Not supported Greenish yellow ◐ = Partial suppo...
Result Disabled fieldset This example shows a disabled<fieldset>with two controls inside it. Note how both the controls are disabled due to being inside a disabled<fieldset>. html <formaction="#"><fieldsetdisabled><legend>Disabled login fieldset</legend><div><labelfor="name">Name:</label...
As the example above shows, the <fieldset> element provides a grouping for a part of an HTML form, with a nested <legend> element providing a caption for the <fieldset>. It takes few attributes, the most notable of which are form, which can contain the id of a <form> on the same...
As the example above shows, the <fieldset> element provides a grouping for a part of an HTML form, with a nested <legend> element providing a caption for the <fieldset>. It takes few attributes, the most notable of which are form, which can contain the id of a <form> on the same...
As the example above shows, the <fieldset> element provides a grouping for a part of an HTML form, with a nested <legend> element providing a caption for the <fieldset>. It takes few attributes, the most notable of which are form, which can contain the id of a <form> on the same...
As the example above shows, the <fieldset> element provides a grouping for a part of an HTML form, with a nested <legend> element providing a caption for the <fieldset>. It takes few attributes, the most notable of which are form, which can contain the id of a <form> on the same...