1. An integrated comprehensive view of the professional activities of the applied psychologist, with attention focused on the specialized research methodologies representing the psychologist's most distinctive contribution to each field. Each area of 关键词: Psychology, Applied 被引量: 38 年份: 1964...
Psychology: Fields of application This book explores the most prominent areas of applied psychology. Each chapter features an expert's account of one area of application, including a brief history of the area's development, examples of research and how it has been applie... AM Stec,DA ...
Shaffer , Laurance F. Shaffer , Anne Anastasi, Anne Anastasi, Robert I. Watson , Douglas H. Fryer , Morris S. Viteles, Douglas H. Fryer , G. L. Freeman, Kate Hevner , Milton Metfessel . Read Fields of Psychology, Basic and Applied now at Questia.doi:10.1037/11550-000J. Guilford...
PsychologyPsychology ••ClinicalpsychologistsClinicalpsychologistsareare interestedprimarilyintheinterestedprimarilyinthe diagnosis,cause,andtreatmentofdiagnosis,cause,andtreatmentof psychologicaldisorders.psychologicaldisorders. ••CounselingpsychologistsCounselingpsychologistsareare ...
Learn about psycholinguistic theory and the study of linguistic psychology. Explore the behaviorist, innatist and cognitive theories in...
They also enable the bridging of the gap between quantitative-experimental and qualitative approaches in psychology. Because metaphors are of high plausibility in everyday experience, metaphors are a valuable tool for interventions in applied fields of research such as organizational and work psychology....
Decades ago, Dean Simonton, a psychologist from the University of California, Davis, came up with that brilliant leaders' words may simply go over people's heads, that their solutions could be more complicated to carry out and that followers might find it harder to relate...
In what way does the history of psychology differ from the history of other scientific fields?Criteria for Experiments:An experiment is a specific type of method for determining whether or not a hypothesis is supported by evidence. For an experiment to be valid, the ...
Synthesizing findings from psychology, endocrinology, sociology, economics, and education leads to the conclusion that, among a combination of interrelated factors, preferences and choices-both freely made and constrained-are the most significant cause of women's underrepresentation. 展开 ...
psychology to contribute to a wide variety of application domains; the field is closely related to several other fields in the "decision sciences" - applied mathematics, [...] 12manage.com 运筹学就是将工程学、管理学、数学以及心理学 等各学 科中 获取来的综合知识,应 用 于各行 各 业的...