日内瓦大学的数学家雨果-杜米尼尔-科宾(Hugo Duminil-Copin)在国际数学家大会上获得了2022年的菲尔兹奖。
日内瓦大学的数学家雨果-杜米尼尔-科宾(Hugo Duminil-Copin)在国际数学家大会上获得了2022年的菲尔兹奖。
Mathematics is “Social: Hugo was doing his PhD Math thesis on ‘De’pendent Percolation but got stuck for 4 years with no big progress…until at one social gathering with friends of no maths background, suddenly 1 of them talking about making coffee by pouring hot water over coffee grains...
2020年菲尔兹奖章年会: 表彰 Alessio Figalli (Fields Medal 2018) 的近期工作, 多伦多大学菲尔兹数学科学研究所 1252 0 09:06:11 App Spec(Q-bar), 菲尔兹数学科学研究所, 2022 2832 0 59:02:13 App 专题项目 (I): 代数, 动力系统与几何中的集合论方法, 菲尔兹数学科学研究所, 2023 4197 0 94:44:27...
making him the youngest winner. During the 1970s theSoviet UnionpreventedSergei NovikovandGregory Margulisfrom traveling to receive the award.Maryam Mirzakhaniwas the first woman to win the Fields Medal (2014). In 2022 Maryna Viazovska, who was born in Ukraine, became the second woman to win; ...
making him the youngest winner. During the 1970s theSoviet UnionpreventedSergei NovikovandGregory Margulisfrom traveling to receive the award.Maryam Mirzakhaniwas the first woman to win the Fields Medal (2014). In 2022 Maryna Viazovska, who was born in Ukraine, became the second woman to win; ...
@知了爱学fields medal 知了爱学 菲尔兹奖是国际数学界最具声望的奖项之一,旨在表彰在数学领域作出卓越贡献的年轻数学家。该奖项每四年颁发一次,每次授予2至4名年龄不超过40岁的数学家,奖金为15,000加拿大元。菲尔兹奖由国际数学联盟在国际数学家大会上颁发,被誉为“数学中的诺贝尔奖”。 奖项背景与设立目的 菲尔兹...
Complete list of winners of IMU (International Mathematical Union) Fields Medal prize for mathematics since 1936, including laureates gender, age, citizenship and affiliation
The Fifth World Laureates Forum has gathered the world's brightest in Shanghai. CGTN's Wang Siwen sat down with Efim Zelmanov, an award-winning mathematician and chair professor at China's Southern University of Science and Technology. Click on the video