一.说明 在SAP的总账科目主数据中,科目组里的字段状态设定,是为了总账科目主数据在公司代码视图维护时的输入状态(TCODE:FS00 或 FSS0)。而本文配置的字段状态变式(Field Status Variants)应用于总账科目的公司代码视图,作用是设定生成会计凭证时的各字段的状态(必输、选输、隐藏),字段数目很多,为此分成若干个组。
Define Field Status Variant in SAP, T Code > OBC4, The field status group specifies which fields are ready for input, which are required entry fields,
se11 看table有field的名字。se16 看table所有field 的值。
Solved: In the field status group for each screen there is option like suppress,optional and required. I want to change one of the entry as optional instead on supress.
SAP里的字段状态很多地方都能控制,一个是属于主数据控制时的字段状态,一种是DOCUMENT 时的字段状态,当然reconcile account的控制是从field status variant 来的。 前者如:Field status variant, account group,company code base field后者如 osting key等。
12定义字段状态变式(Field Status Variants)一.说明 在SAP 的总帐科目主数据中,科目组里的字段状态设定,是为了总帐科目主数据在公司代码视图维护时的输入状 态(TCODE:FS00 或 FSS0)。而本文配置的字段状态变式(Field Status Variants),则是设定了记会计凭证 时的各字段的状态(必输、选输、隐藏),字段数目很多,...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development This is my solution. Simple code, once I finished debugging the function module PREPARE_FIELD_SELECT_STRING. tables: t004f, " Field status definition groups tmodf, " Groups in Field Selection Bar tmodg, " Name of Groups in Field Selection Bar tmodo, "...
After postings have been done, it is also possible to change field status group in G/L account master data (at company code level). Field status variant0001was provided by SAP with 42 standard field status groups. As per the requirements of a company, we can create new SAP field status ...
I don't think the field status group shall be changed. I checked the cancel credit memo billing doc. It cancelled a credit memo which used the same account. The accounting document shows the assignment in line item, which matches the assignment in billing header. The cancel credit memo billi...