FOV Field of view angle modification Endorsements 184 Unique DLs 5,424 Total DLs 7,116 Total views 29,409 Version 1.3 Download: Manual Last updated 10 September 20247:53AM Original upload 28 December 202311:01PM Created by Doraemon Uploaded by...
网络释义 1. 视场角 太阳能可靠度专区 试验条件 ... Epitaxy 磊晶field-of-view angle视场角Fresnel Lenes 菲涅尔透镜 ...|基于23个网页
视场(Field of View) 视觉、显示和成像 简称:FOV 别名:angle of acceptance 定义:用光学仪器或眼睛可以观察到的领域的角度范围。 目录 1. 诞生背景 2. 相关理论或原理 3. 重要参数指标 4. 应用 5. 分类 6. 未来发展趋势 7. 相关产品及生产商 1. 诞生背景 视场(Field of View)的概念源自光学和视觉科学,...
视场(Field of view)是指在一定的距离内观察到的范围的大小。视场一般用千米处视界(可观测的宽度)和换算成角度(angle of view)来表示,常见的有三种表示方法: 一是直接用角度,如angle of view:8° ; 二是千米处的可视范围,如Field of view:140m/1000m; 三是千码处英尺,实际上和第二种差不多,如Field of...
field of view angle 专业医学词典 视界角 field of view angle|field-of-view angle field-of-view angle 专业医学词典 视界角 field of view angle|field-of-view angle 与"field of view angle"相近的词条 ...
Figure 1:The field of view depends on the sensor size and the focal length of the used lens. For small angles, the full-angle field of view in radians is approximately the sensor diameter divided by the focal length; for obtaining a value in degrees, one has to multiply that with180\te...
angle of attach, 冲角 angle of field of view, 视场角 angle of incidence, 入射角 ...|基于160个网页 2. 电电角 电子类专业英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... angle of attach, 角冲 angle of field of view, 电电角 angle of incidence, 入射角 ...|基于2个...
Display Angle我理解为显示角度/视角,当然你要是指的是投影仪,那么翻译成投影角度也无妨。DIsplay angle 和 view angle这个词的意思很接近,具体概念你可以参考下图:LCD-|||-LCD-|||-6:00(B0TT0M)-|||-60 DEGREE VEWING ANGLE-|||-12:00(T0P)field of view偏重于区域, view/display angle侧重于角度,...
The image showsfield of viewof 66 degs . apparent angle. 这张图显示这个镜子的表观视场达到66度. 互联网 The telescope has a very narrowfield of view. 这台望远镜视野非常狭隘. 互联网 ApparentField of View. 表观视场. 互联网 TrueField of View. ...
Display Angle我理解为显示角度/视角,当然你要是指的是投影仪,那么翻译成投影角度也无妨。DIsplay angle 和 view angle这个词的意思很接近,具体概念你可以参考下图:field of view偏重于区域, view/display angle侧重于角度,侧重点不同。满意请采纳 ...