在芝加哥,有个著名的自然历史博物馆 :Field Museum菲尔德博物馆 ,大人小孩都流连忘返,而且都会爱上馆里的大明星:霸王龙SUE。 这本绘本就是在Field Museumn里买回来的,每次翻看它,又见到Sue,又走进芝加哥Field Museum , 不过绘本里还有一个小导游:Field Mouse Field Mouse 田鼠 Field Museum 菲尔德博物馆 旅行开始...
博物馆的地址是1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois,游客可以选择骑自行车、驾车或乘坐公共交通前往。在参观过程中,不妨在二楼平台栏杆处拍照留念,那里可以拍到一楼的恐龙骨架和大象标本,是拍照的绝佳地点。 Field Museum在教育与科研方面的贡献 菲尔德博物馆不仅是一个科普教育的...
Sue的归属权问题也是美国考古界和博物馆界的一个著名故事。因为Sue的发掘地所在位置是United States Department of the Interior,所以被认为是美国国家公共财产,但是在漫长的发掘清理过程中,FBI和联邦法院根据美国最高法判定Sue被挖掘的地方属于个人地产,即威廉姆斯的个人私产。在发现Sue 6年后,威廉姆斯决定将Sue的化石骨...
菲尔德博物馆 前往Field Museum 欣赏世界奇观。拜访 SUE 这一有史以来发掘出的最大、最完整、保存最好的霸王龙;向下行探看一个古老的埃及坟墓;了解超过一万年的中国历史和文化。集 46 亿年历史于一地,在此您将遍历世界各地风貌并且纵览历史长河。 使用CityPASS®门票游览 CityPASS 提供 2 种参观 菲尔德博物馆 ...
圣彼得学院的月度外出活动在芝加哥一个风光绝美的日子如期举行。尽管芝加哥的二月通常寒冷,但这天却温暖宜人,天空湛蓝。离开谢德水族馆后,学生们沿着湖畔步行十分钟,便抵达了菲尔德博物馆,一路上密歇根湖波光粼粼,美不胜收。 Chicago features several museums through...
The Field Museum is a must-see destination while you’re here in Chicago. Where else can you meet Máximo the Titanosaur, the largest dinosaur ever discovered; experience SUE, the most complete and best-preserved Tyrannosaurus rex ever discovered; descend into an ancient Egyptian tomb, and explo...
CHICAGO, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) -- Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History announced Wednesday that it will become home to world's largest dinosaur and the museum put it in the main hall next year where world's famous dinosaur fossil nicknamed Sue now stands. ...
Lifelike model of Sue the T. Rex returns to Chicago's Field Museum Sue is back at Chicago's Field Museum, but it's not the dinosaur skeleton fans have come to know and love. But the museum now features a new way to see the world-famous reptile with "Sue in the Flesh." The model...
Skip the ticket line with your pass at the Museum's south entrance. Your pass gives you access to many more attractions in Chicago. With 4.6 billion years in one place, the Field Museum takes you around the world and back in time. Here, you can come face-to-face with SUE, the world...
One of the best museums of natural history in the world, Chicago’s Field Museum was built prior to the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893 to house anthropological and biological collections. For 125 years, the museum has shared more than 24 million objects representing 4.6 billion years of...