Irrigation infrastructure and trust: Evidence from natural and lab-in-the-field experiments in rural communities Does irrigation infrastructure lead to trust, and how does this happen? We approach these questions by testing two processes of trust formation: particular... K Aoyagi,Y Sawada,OT Coomes...
Relationship of Force–Velocity Profile between Field Sprints and Lab Ballistic or Cycling Ergometer for Wheelchair Basketball Players The upper limb force–velocity relationship (FVR) is a crucial aspect of athletic performance, particularly in para-sports where upper limb movements play ... F Brass...
Single-Cell Analysis is a growing field that endeavors to obtain genetic profiles of individual cells. Disruption of cell–cell junctions and digestion of extracellular matrix in tissues requires tissue-specific mechanical and chemical dissociation proto
A new super-resolution method, entitled Near-field Projection Optical Microscopy (NPOM), is presented. This novel technique enables the imaging of nanoscale objects without the need for surface scanning, as is usually required in existing methods such as
(or hear) the robot approaching. The robot could not swerve to the right because there was a passerby. To the left was the wall. A faster braking reaction by the robot would not have prevented the collision either as the approaching human did not swerve at all. Both collisions show that...
Summary The aim of this chapter is to show that data from the field provides an essential contribution to understanding the principles of speech production and the variety of sounds that are produced in human languages. Sounds observed in the world's languages often require understanding the coordin...
The fluorescence imaging laboratory best functions as a carefully planned system of tools for optimal image generation, display, analysis, and output. These systems are supported by the physical plant in which the lab exists. The interactions of these tools within the laboratory will largely determine...
(SOE4/P5/E1021) under the Interreg SUDOE: “Advancing in the application of innovative phytomanagement strategies in contaminated areas of the SUDOE space” (; and the Cluster of Excellence COTE (ANR-10-LABX-45) of the French National Agency for Research ...
Raw materials and mixtures were lab tested at the initial stage. Slabs were extracted right after construction and 5 years later (Fig. 1). They were cut to various dimensions with widths 400−600 mm and lengths 600−700 mm. Specimens from the wearing course could be extracted by further...
The field (geometrical) theory of specific heat is based on the universal thermal sum, a new mathematical tool derived from the evolution equation in the Euclidean four-dimensional spacetime, with the closed time coordinate. This theory made it possible