2、问题描述 gcc编译出现field ‘xxx’ has incomplete type的问题: 使用的struct timeval field “tStart” and “tEnd” 具有不完整的类型。 关于Linux下时间计算结构体timeval的用法可参考: 3、原因分析 在编译程序时, 类或结构体有前向声明的用法,编译到这里时还没有发现定义,不知道该类或...
2、问题描述 gcc编译出现field ‘xxx’ has incomplete type的问题: 使用的struct timeval field “tStart” and “tEnd” 具有不完整的类型。 关于Linux下时间计算结构体timeval的用法可参考: https://blog.csdn.net/soaringlee_fighting/article/details/70919381 3、原因分析 在编译程序时, 类...
cpp报错:C-struct error-Field has incomplete type 程序定义如下代码: structNode { Nodeson; }; 1. 2. 3. 4. The error means that you try and add a member to the struct of a type that isn’t fully defined yet, so the compiler cannot know its size in order to determine...
一是,假设第一个链表结点是头结点(不包含实际数据,方便后续操作),那么这个结点的一个成员变量prev就不好赋空,因为NULL是赋给指针的,int a=NULL编译器会警告. 二是根本原因,The error means that you try and add a member to thestructof a type that isn't fully defined yet, so the compiler cannot k...
But I recieve the error: field 'varname' has incomplete type for both vector<string> and vector<double> variables. I searched internet for this error but all the things I found was problems with user written classes not STLs'. Thanks c++ 0 0 Share Edited 13 Years Ago by massiveferm...
incomplete type是指被用来声明变量的类型,其大小无法确定,编译器因此无法为该变量分配空间。解决的方法...
Getting the same error as in issue #1662 : /vagrant/include/libwebsockets/lws-genhash.h:82:18: error: field ‘ctx’ has incomplete type ‘HMAC_CTX’ {aka ‘hmac_ctx_st’} 82 | HMAC_CTX ctx; Running on libwebsockets 3.2.1-1.fc31, libev 4.27-1.f...
In file included from main.c:13: iptimer_ppc_linux26_fnc.h:32: error: field `iptimer_cdev' has incomplete type iptimer_ppc_linux26_fnc.h:33: error: field `iptimer_sem' has incomplete type make: *** [main.o] Error 1 Here is the struct in which the problem occurs: ...
XV6操作系统make报错file.h:17:20: error: field ‘lock’ has incomplete type解决方法 大家好,我叫亓官劼(qí guān jié ),在CSDN中记录学习的点滴历程,时光荏苒,未来可期,加油~博客地址为:亓官劼的博客,B站昵称为:亓官劼,地址为亓官劼的B站 本文原创为... ...