sql-mode="NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" 然后重启MYSQL hibernate property出现 Field 'id' doesn't have a default value 异常分析: 出现了主键异常是最好解决的: 1、主键类型能否对上号; 2、如果使用的是注解方式,看是否忘记设置自增identity //实体类@Entity@Table(name="xt_firm_culture")...
直接把[mysqld]模块下的sql-mode模式改变下,找到sql-mode,然后把这句删掉,改成: sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES ;;(逗号前后禁止有空格) 重启数据库 xampp中MySQL数据库的设置方式如下: sql_mode=NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION log_bin_trust_function_creators=1...
catch(SQLExceptione) {logger.error("错误代码: {}", e.getErrorCode());logger.error("SQL状态: {}", e.getSQLState());logger.error("错误消息: {}", e.getMessage());logger.error("SQL语句: {}", sql);logger.error("参数值: name={}, email={}", name, email);} 2.2.3 定期审查日志...
解决办法就是设置一个默认值,比如? `email` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' 很简单吧,就是加一个DEFAULT '' 为什么我们会出现Field 'email' doesn't have a default value这样的错误呢,估计是你使用的phpmyadmin来创建的表,phpmyadmin创建表时,不能指定空的默认值,所以很不爽了,所以,不要用phpmyadmin来建表...
I'm getting an error from cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: 'Field 'Sifreler' doesn't have a default value' I don't want to write Sifreler into the database, but the error is with this line. I used to work with this code for my old project and it ...
I have a second component called "stage_large" As soon as I add "subnavigation - item" as a repeatable sub-component on "stage_large", I get the following error: error Error: ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value at Query.Sequence._packetToError (/var...
0 Error code: 1364 Field doesnt have a default value in MySQL 0 MySQL invalid default value for [something] 0 General error: 1364 Field 'xxxx' doesn't have a default value 0 SQL error: 1364 Field 'XXXX' doesn't have a default value1 3 #1072 - Key column 'Customer...
[ExplicitKey] is used but get error "Field 'Id' doesn't have a default value" when use InsertAsync or UpdateAsync 👍 6 JollyRoger91 commented Oct 12, 2018 Same problem for me. In my case this issue only appears if a previous Update or Delete is invoked. I've tracked this issue...
; SQL []; Field 'line_id' doesn't have a default value; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Field 'stu_id' doesn't have a default value at org.springframework.jdbc.support.SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator.doTranslate(SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator.java:243) ...
doesn't have a default value, Error_code: 1364; Field 'date_key' doesn't have a default value, Error_code: 1364; Field 'date_nokey' doesn't have a default value, Error_code: 1364; Field 'time_key' doesn't have a default value, Error_code: 1364; Field 'time_nokey' doesn't ...