The Field Calculator in QGIS The Field Calculator in QGIS is a powerful tool that allows you to perform calculations on the attributes of a vector layer. Here are a few examples of things you can do with the Field Calculator in QGIS: Learn more about QGIS here! Perform basic arithmetic cal...
With the built in title, lower, and upper case commands within the field calculator in QGIS you are able to change text from an existing field to a different case. This tasksheet will go through the process of changing the text case using the field calculator in QGIS.Hanson, Bailey...
No crash in my Windows 10 Version 1903 system with QGIS 3.26.1 installed using the OSGeo4W Standalone Installer QGIS-OSGeo4W-3.26.1-1.msi or the OSGeo4W Network Installer. add 2.geojson to a new project click on the "Open Field Calculator" button the Field Calculator opens and QGIS...
In the Field Calculator's dialog window, the "OK" and "Apply" buttons are currently incorrectly enabled when "Update existing field" checkbox is checked and no field is selected in the fields' list combobox. That behaviour may trick the user: see
example, add new columns with the field calculator and fill them with results. Everything seems to run normally, I do not get a warning that I am not allowed to change the structure, the results generated in the field calculator are OK. ...
开发者ID:Nald,项目名称:Quantum-GIS,代码行数:17,代码来源:qgsfieldcalculator.cpp 注:本文中的qgsfieldmap::const_iterator类示例由纯净天空整理自Github/MSDocs等开源代码及文档管理平台,相关代码片段筛选自各路编程大神贡献的开源项目,源码版权归原作者所有,传播和使用请参考对应项目的License;未经允许,请勿转载。
在使用QGIS字段计算器的时候计算多边形面积的时候,发现会有两个函数,一个是$area,一个是area,仔细观察发现其计算出来的面积大小并不一致。那么这两个函数有什么区别呢? $area 函数 详细写法 $area 先看官网解释: Returns the area of the current feature. The area calculated by this function respects both th...
But a lot of people seem to have this question in relation to results generated by the online exposure age calculator. Thus, the purpose of this blog post is to avoid having to put this in any emails in future. The main issue seems to be that if you think the ages belong to a ...
There are a few articles on GIS integration with the RillGrow model in the latest versions. That needs to be worked out to improve the workability of the RillGrow model in the future. 3.3.6. Erosion-Productivity Impact Calculator, EPIC EPIC is a detailed model developed to simulate, ...
在地图矢量化的时候遇到了需要给图形添加质心坐标的需求,找了一些帖子和官方文档,总结了下实现方法。 什么是质心 Centroid是多边形的质量中心(Center of mass)。假设多边形是一块厚度均匀的薄板,当我们用一根绳子从一个平衡点吊起薄板时,薄板能够保持水平稳定,那么这个平衡点就是centroid。