额外使用FIDO/WebAuthn之后,目前使用用户手机作为第二因素的双因素部署将能够升级到更高的安全级别(防钓鱼),而无需用户携带专门的身份认证硬件(安全密钥)。 2. 多设备 FIDO 凭证:我们希望 FIDO 认证器供应商(尤其是内置在操作系统中的身份认证器)将调整其认证器实现,以便 FIDO 凭证可以在设备丢失后恢复。换句话说,...
SEOUL, South Korea,Oct. 14, 2019/PRNewswire/ -- eWBM Co., Ltd., a fabless System-on-Chip (SoC) company providing one of the world's first biometrics-based FIDO2 L2 hardware authenticators, announces membership into theMicrosoft Int...
(1:link pass, 0:link fail) L2 p1_led_grn output port 1 mii,, green led K3 p1_led_ylw output port 1 mii,, yellow led M2 p2_txc input port 2 mii, transmit clock from PHY Document #: IA211111101-04 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED 32 support@innovasic.com 1-505-883-5263 1-...
FIDO Alliances Reference FDO Implementation and Conformance Testing - iot-fdo-conformance-tools/go.sum at main · fido-alliance/iot-fdo-conformance-tools