Target-Date 2040类别热门基金 名称评级总资产年初至今%3年%10年% The Vanguard Target Retire 2040 Tr1 108.35B 15.72 5.44 8.33 The Vanguard Target Retire 2040 Tr2 108.35B 15.70 5.43 8.31 Vanguard Target Retire Trust Plus40 108.35B 15.72 5.45 8.34 Vanguard Target Retirement 2040 Inv 94.06B 15.75 5....
The Fidelity Freedom K 2040 Fund is designed for people expecting to retire within a few years of the fund’s target date. Fidelity categorizes its target-date funds under its Freedom Fund brand. All these funds use a glide path that automatically shifts into a more conservative portfolio al...
Vanguard 旗下的 Target Retirement 目标日期 FOF 共包含 22 只产品,其中零售类 11 只,规模合计 2518.91 亿美元,起投金额为 1000 美元。VANGUARD TARGET RETIRE 2025(VTTVX)为美国最大的个人养老目标日期 FOF,规模为 406.72 亿美元,目标客 群的出生年份为 1958-1962 年。即使是客户已经处于退休状态,Vanguard 还...
Vanguard 旗下的 Target Retirement 目标日期 FOF 共包含 22 只产品,其中零售类 11 只,规模合计 2518.91 亿美元,起投金额为 1000 美元。VANGUARD TARGET RETIRE 2025(VTTVX)为美国最大的个人养老目标日期 FOF,规模为 406.72 亿美元,目标客 群的出生年份为 1958-1962 年。即使是客户已经处于退休状态,Vanguard 还...
For instance, if you plan to retire in 2040, you can pick a “2040 fund,” which will reallocate investments as the fund approaches its target date. “These funds automatically adjust the asset allocation from higher risk to lower risk along a roll-down schedule as they approach their ...
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