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Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap.Several charts are presented which compares various aspects of Fidelity Corp.'s Stock Selector All Cap including its performance of the year 2011, rating and rankings, and portfolio analysis.EBSCO_bspMorningstar Fund Family Reports Fidelity...
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Find the latest performance data chart, historical data and news for Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund: Class I (FCDIX) at Nasdaq.com.
Similar Fund Picks from Fidelity Close Choose Funds (Up to 4 funds) Morningstar Category: Large Value Close fund?.fundInformation?.legalName ? fund?.fundInformation?.legalName : fund.fundInformation?.longName ? fund.fundInformation?.longName : '' Fidelity® Stock Selector Large Cap Value...
This rating is based on a fund's Morningstar Return (its annualized return in excess to the return of the 90-day U.S. Treasury bill over a three-, five-, or ten-year period). The Morningstar Returns in each category are then scored against each other on a bell curve. In each Morn...