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Find the latest performance data chart, historical data and news for Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund: Class I (FCDIX) at
FGDMX Fidelity® Select Communication Svcs Port 34.88% 1-YEAR Communications Search Funds Highest Returns in Small Blend 1 YEAR 6.71% Reinhart Genesis PMV Fund RPMFX 6.67% North Star Micro Cap Fund NSMVX 6.23% Royce Pennsylvania Mutual Fund PENNX 4.31% Wasatch Small Cap Value Fund WMCVX 3.83...
The fund uses fundamental analysis of factors such as each issuers financial condition and industry position, as well as market and economic conditions, to select investments. Fund Statistics Fund Category: 81 Price To Book: 3.3915 Market Value: 2.84b USD Turnover: 84.00% Return On Assets: ...
Fidelity Small Cap Stock (FSLCX) Expense Ratio: 1.13% Expected Lifetime Fees: $33,198.95 The Fidelity Small Cap Stock fund (FSLCX) is a Mid-Cap Blend fund started on 03/12/1998 and has $2.90 billion in assets under management. The current manager has been running Fidelity Small Cap Sto...
Fidelity®Select Health Care Portfolio 4.93%-1.61%5.74%8.22%14.64% PRIMARY BENCHMARK S&P 500 25.02%8.94%14.53%13.10%11.87% SECONDARY BENCHMARK MSCI IMI Hlth Ca 25/50 2.75%-0.11%7.29%8.90%-- MORNINGSTAR CATEGORY AVERAGE Health 0.96%-3.94%3.92%6.47%-- ...
FHLC owns close to 400 stocks, including small cap companies, which makes it broadly similar to the Vanguard Healthcare ETF (VHT). Both offer a more diversified portfolio than rivals like the Health Care Select Sector SPDR ETF (XLV) and the iShares U.S. Healthcare ETF (IYH), which lean...
As of June 2020, FSTA owned about 90 stocks, including small caps, making it a better-diversified option than the Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR (XLP), though traders may prefer the size and liquidity of XLP. FSTA is competitively priced compared with rivals like XLP and the Vanguard ...