Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund(FRIFX)基金论坛讨论区,基金吧。专业基金投资者都在这分析交流Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund基金的最新动态,行情走势和交易策略。
“Thus, well-located data centers have seen particularly strong growth in rental income and tremendous pricing power in the industry.” In addition to data centers, Bill Maclay, manager of Fidelity® Real Estate Income Fund (FRIFX), sees 2 potential areas of opportunity in housing: assisted ...
“As retailers move operations online or pursue an omnichannel strategy, they need facilities to store their products,” says Maclay, who manages Fidelity® Real Estate Income Fund (FRIFX). “Compared to traditional retailing, keeping goods in a warehouse before distributing them to fulfill online...
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