Never type the code into your phone or a website unless you are on an official Fidelity app or website. And as damaging as it can be, the impostor scam is far from the only one to watch out for. With many of these scams, one of your strongest defenses is to proceed with caution ...
Zero-coupon bondsAlso known as "strips," these are bonds that do not make periodic interest payments. In other words, there's no coupon. Instead, you buy the bond at a discount on its face value and receive one payment of the full face value at maturity. For example, you might pay ...
The official Medicare site,, offers several helpful guides and interactive tools to help you compare your options. The Social Security site can provide guidance for Original Medicare. The Fidelity Medicare Services® Learning Center has in-depth articles, tools, and webinars that can...
It's official: You're retired. That probably means no more regular paycheck, and you may need to turn to your investments for income. But remember: The impact of taxes is just as important to consider now as it was when saving for retirement. The good news is that in retirement there ...
When IPOs are registered, there is generally a price range announced by the company and the underwriters. However, this price range may change throughout the course of the deal, and it’s not made official until the deal is declared effective by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)....
But if your child has any sort of earned income from a job, receiving either an official W-2 wage statement from an employer, a 1099 for freelance work, or just cash, you might have questions about their tax liability as well. Here are some answers to the most common concerns parents ...