Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, or its affiliates, receives compensation in connection with (i) access to, purchase or redemption of, and/or maintenance of positions in mutual funds and other investment products ("funds"), (ii) infrastructure needed to support such funds as well as additional ...
Invest with a world leader in mutual funds* and you put a global network of nearly 400 research professionals and one of the largest research departments in the industry to work for you.1 Our extensive resources allow Fidelity's fund managers to look deeply across different regions and sectors...
Fidelity mutual funds offer investors a great way to strategize their portfolios for the long term. Investing for the long haul? It's conventional wisdom to buy securities and hold them indefinitely, leveraging the powerful effect of compound interest. This strategy particularly benefits young investor...
Top 5 Fidelity Mutual FundsZacks Investment Research
Open End Mutual Fund Name As of 12/20/2024 Price Aum/Mkt Cap YIELD Exp Ratio Watchlist Fidelity Contrafund FCNTX | Fund $21.21 $148 B 0.12% $0.03 0.39% FCNTX - Profile Distributions YTD Total Return37.1% 3 Yr Annualized Total Return11.7% ...
(Exchange-traded funds and open-end mutual funds are considered a single population for comparative purposes.) It is calculated based on a Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return measure that accounts for variation in a fund's monthly excess performance (excluding the effect of sales ...
U.S. News evaluated 1,101 Large Value Funds. Our list highlights the top-rated funds for long-term investors based on the ratings of leading fund industry researchers. FMILXis listed as: #1 inLarge Value SEE ALL MUTUAL FUND RATINGS
ACSI Funds - 1 ActivePassive 1 4 ACV - 1 Adaptiv 1 1 Adaptive 4 4 Adasina 12 1 ADRhedged - 3 AdvisorShares 2 17 Affinity 5 1 AGF 1 1 Akros 3 1 Alerian - 2 Alexis - 1 Alger 1 5 Allianz 1 41 Allspring - 3 See All Join ETF Database ELITE and Export This Data « Fir...
Fidelity offers over 10,000 mutual funds from dozens of different mutual fund companies and can help you find the right ones for virtually any investment need.
【China A Share Funds】【Energy Funds】【Gold & Precious Metal Funds】【High Dividend Funds】【BRIC Funds】【ASEAN Funds】【China Funds】 Fund Information: 【Unit Trusts】【Mutual Funds】【Hedge funds】【Balanced Mutual Funds】【Fund】【Mutual Fund】【Fund Trading】【Fund House】【Fund company】...