Keep in mind, however, that if you take a loan, the repayments will be deducted from your paycheck, which means your take-home pay will go down. Also know that any money you take out of your 401(k)—even for a short time—misses out on the opportunity to compound and grow. And ...
Pros: Unlike 401(k) withdrawals, you don't have to pay taxes and penalties when you take a 401(k) loan. Plus, the interest you pay on the loan goes back into your retirement plan account. Another benefit: If you miss a payment or default on your loan from a 401(k), it won't ...
Good benefits. Some narrow minded leadership. Call center is a grind. $15k student loan payment over 7 years. Tuition reimbursement. 7% 401k match after 1 year. 5 year vesting schedule. 10% profit sharing after 1 year. 这篇点评对您有用吗?