Loans and withdrawals from workplace savings plans (such as 401(k)s or 403(b)s) are different ways to take money out of your plan. A loan lets you borrow money from your retirement savings and pay it back to yourself over time, with interest—the loan payments and interest go back in...
If you don't fix the mistake, you could be taxed twice, once on the excess contributions in the current year and a second time upon taking withdrawals. 401(k) withdrawal rules The federal government imposes some restrictions on when you can withdraw money from your 401(k). Generally, you...
Use the Select Action drop-down list for additional information such as history, payment history, online statements, and plan literature. The Select Action drop-down list also provides links to exchanges, contributions, loans, and withdrawals....
Use the Select Action drop-down list for additional information such as history, payment history, online statements, and plan literature. The Select Action drop-down list also provides links to exchanges, contributions, loans, and withdrawals....