Account Name The name you give to a Fidelity account or annuity. For example, you could name a retirement account 401(k) Rollover Account. Back Account Number A Fidelity-assigned number used to identify a specific account, or the number of a bank account you use with theFidelity Electronic ...
The total amount, including your employer's contributions, that is vested in your Fidelity NetBenefitsSM account (e.g., 403(b), 401(k), 457) according to your plan's vesting rules. Back AMT See Federal Alternative Minimum Tax. Back Analysis This is an option for your portfolio on the...
The Open Positions page displays holdings information for tax-deferred annuities, income annuities, payout annuities, college savings plan accounts, and NetBenefits® accounts such as 401(k), 403(b), and 457 plans. What does Open Positions show for tax-deferred annuities? What does Open ...
The total amount, including youremployer's contributions, that is vested in your FidelityNetBenefitsSMaccount (e.g., 403(b), 401(k),457) according to your plan'svestingrules. Back AMT SeeFederal Alternative Minimum Tax. Back Analysis This is an option for yourportfolio on the Portfolio scree...
First, you'll need to meet at least one of the following eligibility requirements for participating in an IPO: Either $100,000 or $500,000 in household assets (depending on the IPO; this amount excludes institutional or annuity assets, such as 401(k), 403(b), and annuity contracts), or...
The total amount, including your employer's contributions, that is vested in your Fidelity NetBenefitsSM account (e.g., 403(b), 401(k), 457) according to your plan's vesting rules. Back AMT See Federal Alternative Minimum Tax. Back Analysis This is an option for your portfolio on the...
401(k) Plan Under section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code, employees can set aside money for retirement on a pre-tax basis through a plan sponsored by their employer.To encourage savings for retirement through these plans, the federal government created special tax advantages for 401(k) ...
For example, this could be an account you have in a 403(b), 401(k) or 457NetBenefitsplan. Back FidelityNetBenefits®Plan Any of several plans set up by employers that are record-kept at Fidelity. Employers set up such plans so that their employees may take advantage of tax-deferral on...