The meaning of FIDEI COMMISSUM is a gift (as by will) of property in which a person is invested with title and which the person is directed to convey to another person or to make a particular disposition of.
noun ,Civil Law. ,pluralfi·de·i·com·mis·sa[fahy-dee-ahy-k, uh, -, mis, -, uh]. a request by a decedent that the heir or legatee to the estate convey a specified part of the estate to another person, or permit another person to enjoy such a part. ...
fideicommissum是什么意思 n.将财产部分赠予第三者的遗嘱 fideicommissum英英释义 abstract:The fideicommissum was one of the most popular legal institutions in Roman Law for several centuries. It translates from the Latin word fides (trust) and committere (to commit), meaning that something is commit...