Theenact.pyscript enacts the drama by posting to Twitter as the various characters. It should be run as a cron job, very frequently: once a minute, or once every five minutes. To, you pass it the path to your script directory. $ python example Posting "I just w...
Mario is one of the Nintendo characters who talks in sentences. In the Mario and Luigi series, neither Mario or Luigi talk with speech bubbles. Mario's name before Jumpman was supposed to be Mr. Video. Mario, along with Luigi, were intended to have cameo appearances in the 2012 Disney...
Who are the most famous fictional characters with ESTJ traits? The five most famous fictional characters that show strong ESTJ traits are Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody, Cersei Lannister, Darth Vader, the Dowager Countess, and Boromir. The following list defines notable examples of the quintessential ES...