Arthur Mitchell, portrayed by John Lithgow in Showtime's drama seriesDexter, is a chilling antagonist also known as the Trinity Killer. Plagued by childhood trauma, Mitchell's character leads a double life as both a devoted family man and a sadistic serial killer. Lithgow's portrayal of Mitche...
Fans are drawn to his wisdom and unique perspective on life, making him a memorable character in this timeless Disney classic. Appears In: The Lion King Dig Deeper What All The Character Names In 'The Lion King' Actually Mean Also ranks #87 on The 100 Best Disney Animated Characters Of ...
Character names: Ace the Bat-Hound • Bat-Mite • Helena Bertinelli • Stephanie Brown • Cassandra Cain • Tim Drake • Barbara Gordon • Dick Grayson • Betty KaneSelina Kyle • Alfred • Jason Todd • Jean-Paul Valley • Bruce Wayne • Damian Wayne • Helena Wayne...
I almost didn't include the star character ofHouse, MDbecause I'm a bit dubious that he'll rise to the level of being a true permanent fixture in fiction. But in all the conversations I had with so many in the planning of this episode, his name came up consistently. And he's a g...
Each entry includes the content of the legend or story featuring the character and biographical facts related to any real person behind the myth. The Dictionary also provides commentary along with wealth of citations from the original text. Besides searching the names of characters, users of the ...
The Best ISFJ Disney Character ISFJ Famous People [By Main Area of Activity] Whether you look at celebrities, political leaders, or influencers, there is no shortage of prominent figures (present or past) withISFJ personality traits. Some of the famous names that may ring a bell are Kate Mi...
Using the Manuscript Wish List to Find a Literary Agent How to Include a Ghost in Your Fiction Writing How to Write a Curse or Prophecy in Your Fiction Writing How to Write About a Winery for a Fiction Story
The second Dickensian character to grace this list, this one a little more obscure than the Dodger. Betsey Trotwood is David Copperfield's great-aunt in... you guessed it, David Copperfield. Betsey is a rather eccentric figure in the novel: she initially doesn't take any interest in David... Referred to as Number 5 for being the 5th robot created for use in the Cold War, Johnny 5 is the main character in the movie Short Circuit, which was released back in 1986. The said robot was demonstrated in Damon, Washington where it was partially damaged by a ...
Dig Deeper What All The Character Names In 'The Lion King' Actually Mean Buy atView on AMAZON 2 Piglet Winnie the Pooh 825 votes As one of the most iconic and beloved characters from A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh series, Piglet stands out for his unwavering loyalty and friendship towards...