11、fictionaladvertising. "Fly with us!"(虚构的广告。“和我们一起飞翔!”) 12、It is drama featuringfictionalcharacters.(虚构的人物是戏剧的特点。) 13、Consider the following examples focusing on afictionalproduct.(下面以一个虚构的产品为例。) ...
26. Consider the following examples focusing on afictionalproduct. 下面以一个虚构的产品为例。 youdao 27.Fictionalenergy drink created to promote “True Blood” TV show. 为宣传电视剧《真爱如血》而设计的能量饮料。 youdao 28.Fictionalenergy drink created to promote “True Blood” TV show. ...
Consider the following examples focusing on a fictional product. 下面以一个虚构的产品为例。 Fictional energy drink created to promote “True Blood” TV show. 为宣传电视剧《真爱如血》而设计的能量饮料。 近义词 adj. 虚构的;小说的 imaginaryfigmentary 反义词 nonfictional 词根词缀 fict 做, 制作 ...
Methodologically, this essay works to address these questions of representational multiplicity through a form of discursive practice that reports between the two case study examples. This approach serves to reveal the discourse of theatre and performance studies as frequently grounded in ekphrastic ...
Table 1 presents the three largest metaverse developers from the Nasdaq Stock Market as well as the three largest examples from CoinMarketCap. We sorted the table by the market capitalisation of each security or token on 30 June 2022. The Nasdaq-listed examples are members of the Metaverse Stan...
's Desire To Escape Society In Paul's Case By Willa Cather Link- Paul is able to find a permanent escape from all Cordelia Street and all the other things he despises. 944 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More All Quiet On The Western Front Essay examples glimpses of Paul trying to re...
For instance, we assume that Sherlock Holmes does not have a third nostril, that he wears underpants and that he has never solved a case with a purple gnome, even though neither of these things is ever mentioned in the narration. This article argues that examples like these can be ...
4. Gisèle Sapiro, considering among other examples the lawsuit (unsuccess- fully) brought by Laurens's ex-husband against L'Amour, roman (Laurens 2003), notes that fictionalization does not always constitute a suf- ficient condition for bypassing French privacy laws, although it can serve as ...
examples chosenfromthethreeversions ofTess of thed’Urbervillestranslated byZhangGuomo,SunFali,andWUDi.t11e main part ofthe paper intendsto showthrough adetailed stylisticanalysisofthe original anda comparativestudy ofthethreeChinese versions,thatsometranslators havefailedto convey the style ofthe original...
This was followed by a training phase, consisting of four pictures selected from the GAPED database (Dan-Glauser & Scherer,2011), containing credible examples of the real (H038: African child with burnings, and H106: tramps) and simulation (H123: movie-like image of an execution table, ...