Though the enormous towers, and recently added annex, offered a score of places to eat, the restaurant of her choosing had a special place in her heart. By chance that day, the maître d’ (or whatever they were called in the local parlance) had offered Eva and her companions the ...
So, thanks to a rainy September in Scotland, a friend with a wooden leg, and the imagination of a twelve-year-old boy, we have one of the greatest ___ stories in the English language. 1. A.However B.Therefore C.Besides D.Finally 2. A.alone door home D.abroad 3. ...
Willy Mitchell was born in Glasgow, Scotland, with origins from the shipyards of the Clyde. He has spent many an hour in hostelries around the world and heard many a story - some true, some fiction, and some of legend. After heading south of the border to work in the steel mills of...
the government of the UK (one consequence of which is that England can have a government that wasn’t elected by a majority of English MPs – something that never seemed to be mentioned when English remainers were wailing that Brexit wasn’t democratic because Scotland didn’t vote for it!
Set in London, 1875. Nineteen-year-old Elinor “Nell” Hallam lives in Mayfair with her brother, Matthew, an inspector at Scotland Yard. Nell is a fantastic pianist and aspires to attend the Royal Academy. To earn the money, Nell dresses up as a man, sneaks out at night, and plays ...
It was a joy to return to the scene of my fictional crimes to show him which parts I had used for the story, along with the bloodstain on the floorboards from the alleged real life murder that took place in the library (you can read about that here). Even more joyous was taking so...
I�ll bet a few beers and whiskies were sunk in Scotland over that on the Sunday night. Possibly the biggest surprise is that Neal Stephenson who, let us not forget, won the Locus Award for Best SF Novel, wasn�t even in the "also ran" list. The only non-British authors to ...
The geographical spread is: Sweden 7; Canada, 3; UK, 3 (one set in Gibraltar, one Scotland and one Wales); Norway, 2; and one each for Austria, France, Iceland and the USA. Eleven of the total are by authors new to me. I have very much enjoyed most of these books. I’m ...
(other than his strange ability to attract animals wherever he goes). His life changes dramatically when he goes to spend a school holiday with his grandfather in Scotland. There, he discovers an opening to a secret, magical world, of which his grandfather is the guardian — a role ...
what goes on in the brain of an Englishman? When he arrives in another man’s country to steal his land, and water, and game, and then with a straight face, calls those he steals from thieves? Is this how it is in Scotland? Is this why your people have fled that terrible place?’...