Add: prolific script writer for comic books; died in New York City.CAMERON, KENNETH M. 1931- . (Deleting uncertainty about birth year for the author of the play, “The Hundred and First,” in CFIV.)CAMERON, MRS. LOVETT [CAROLINE EMILY SHARP CAMERON]. 1844-1921. (Adding dates for the...
. . . . . $8.99 Drake, David The Legions of Fire (Books of the Elements #1: Far in the north, magicians intend to open a gateway to creatures that will destroy all life. In the center of civilization, two men and two women separately pursue the answer to mysterious happenings, ...
Books:The 21stCentury Packhorse Librarian continues to collect new books to give away to the children and adults who lost all their books in the storm. Look for her on Facebook and Instagram. Here’s a good article about the founder, Kristin Turner: