Starting in November of 2014, Tor Books will publish English translations of Liu Cixin’sThree-Bodytrilogy, which is China’s best-selling hard scifi series. AndClarkesworldhas recentlyannounceda partnership with Storycom International Culture Communication Co., Ltd. to publish more Chinese SF stori...
An attack is launched on the convoy. If it succeeds then Helmajistan will likely join the SDC, China's faction in the Second Cold War. A Cold War which threatens to escalate into the Nuclear War seen in the Fallout series. Last edited: Apr 18, 2022 Mar 28, 2022 3 #196 Threa...
A semiretired local CIA operative in the Caribbean is involved in something which may or may not be related to events in China which cause a young analyst in Washington forecast an invasion of Taiwan, possibly by North Korean troops. Throw in a touch of voodoo, self-serving higher ups and ...
In July 1937, Japan launched a massive invasion of China, and Tinsley's imaginary war scare could be envisioned as being somehow tied to that event. It could be pretended that Japan was pretending to attack both China and the Far Eastern possessions of Western nations during the summer of ...
Archive #4 – Mid-Century Illustrated Journey to the West Children’s Books from Japan Sun Wukong’s Greatest Feat of Strength: An Allegory for Cultural or Religious Conflict? Misconceptions About the Monkey King’s Staff and the Milky Way Galaxy Archive #3 – PDF of Chinese Spirit-Medium...
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die." - Roy Batty War in Sarkhan "I love the smell of napalm in the morning! Smells like ...
“The Attack of the LUDDITES”There is a school of thought that seems to think that a caveman’s beating on a hollow log with a stick is automatically superior to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony performed by the world’s finest symphony orchestra because less technology is involved. I do not ...
War Trials In the aftermath of the war, the United States and the UNSC could fully begin the process of reconstruction. In doing so, the leaders of the UNSC nations got together in a discussion about just exactly how they were gonna punish the Federation Atrocities. It was eventually decided...