Books: 4th Grade]]>Macmillan
3rd, 4th grades Students were engaged Strongly disagreeStrongly agree Helpful Questions & Answers Pleaselog into post a question. Be the first to ask Ms A Teaching the Future a question about this product. More from Ms A Teaching the Future ...
Adelaide landed a 4th grade teaching job back in April when we were here for spring break, so we’ll be in Tucson until June of 2024. It’s a big shift, but not as much as moving to a new city; we’ve owned a place in Tucson since 2020 and have spent most of each winter here...
The activities were designed for implementation in 4th grade (three activities; Journey to Prodigy – Replicator, Animal Evolution, Wrap Drive and Protostar Vessel; Become a Young Scientist, Engineer, Technician, Artist, and Mathematician; Journey to the Center of the Earth), 5th grade (two activi...
Wish your students would expand their knowledge of genre and explore new books?Teaching Genre seems pretty simple, but how do you know that your students truly understand the elements of each genre?If your students read a text, do you think that they could correctly identify its genr ...
It hadn’t always been so. During his company grade days, unburdened by commanding anything beyond his own airplane, Primakov had viewed the service as mostly competent. In those years, when the oil had been flowing, and when Europe had been a beach vacation rather than enemy territory, the...
I love all of Laura Ingalls Wilder books and have been reading them since the age of nine when my fourth-grade teacher read Little House on the Prairie to the class. I read them several times, even in high school. When I had my first child, I bought the entire set and she read the...
In May, Kelly (the lady from my church) asked me if I’d be interested in applying for a 7th grade Language Arts position opening up at the middle school. My initial reaction was YESSS! That quickly got overshadowed by all the potential dilemmas . . . I’ve taught elementary school fo...
We were pleased with the professional and personalized service Smith Publicity offered for the promotion of my middle-grade series, The Jacob Maresbeth Chronicles. Their expert networking and outreach raised the profile of the sequel’s release just in time for Halloween, a great strategy that we...