小腿外侧肌肉通常只有腓骨长肌(fibularis longus muscle,FLM)与腓骨短肌(fibularis brevis muscle,FBM)两块,部分存在第三、第四腓骨肌变异。 腓骨长肌起自腓骨头、腓骨上2/3的外侧面和小腿深筋膜,肌束向下移行长的肌腱,经外踝后方、跟骨外侧面及腓骨...
小腿外侧肌肉通常只有腓骨长肌(fibularis longus muscle,FLM)与腓骨短肌(fibularis brevis muscle,FBM)两块,部分存在第三、第四腓骨肌变异。 腓骨长肌起自腓骨头、腓骨上2/3的外侧面和小腿深筋膜,肌束向下移行长的肌腱,经外踝后方、跟骨外侧面及腓骨肌下支持带转至足底,止于内侧楔骨和第1跖骨基底部。腓骨短肌...
腓骨长肌 位于小腿外侧的一块长而细的梭状肌,有长的肌腹和更长的肌腱。它的独特之处在于,肌腱在进入足底内侧的途中改变了3次方向。 它起源于胫骨外侧髁上的一小块区域(与趾长伸肌一起)和腓骨外侧表面的上三分之二处,其下半部分位于腓骨短肌起点的上部...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromFibularis) Medical Related to Fibularis:fibularis brevis,Fibularis muscles,peroneal muscles Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: fib·u·lar a.fibular, rel. al peroné; ___ artery→arteria ___; ...
The fibularis brevis and fibularis longus muscles belong to the lateral compartment of the leg. The fibularis brevis is morphologically variable, especially in the number of tendons and place of insertion. Its type of insertion is correlated with the presence of a fibularis digiti quinti, which...
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将“fibularis longus"自动翻译成 阿拉伯文 فيبولاريس لونغوس Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“fibularis longus"翻译成 阿拉伯文 变形干 匹配词 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。
Peroneus and fibularis both refer to the muscles on the lateral side of the lower leg. Peroneus is the older term, while fibularis is the modern anatomical name.
Fibular groove morphology and measurements on MRI: correlation with fibularis tendon abnormalities (ROC) and area under the curve (AUC) analysis were performed to determine correlation between fibular groove morphometry and fibularis (peroneus) brevis ... MG Jr,DB Patel,S Cen,... - 《Surgical ...
fibularis longus were studied by dissection on 23 cat, 28 dog, 20 pig, 17 cattle, 15 sheep and 17 goat limbs. Five injections with Technovit into the tarsometatarsal joint were made for each species. The dog had two tendon sheaths while all other species had only one lateral one. The ...