RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook talofibular [ta″lo-fib´u-lar] pertaining to the talus and fibula. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsev...
The most common mechanism of this injury is when the foot undergoes an inversion moment with the ankle in plantar flexion, damaging the lateral ligament complex of the ankle5, 6. The most pervasive predisposition to suffering a lateral ankle sprain is the history of at least one previous ankle...
The role of the anterior talofibular ligament area as a morphological parameter of the chronic ankle sprainLATERAL COLLATERAL LIGAMENTSSTRESS RADIOGRAPHYFUNCTIONAL-ANATOMYPAIN SYNDROMEDRAWER TESTMRIINJURYRELIABILITYULTRASOUNDTHICKNESSRepetitive microtrauma can result in a hypertrophied ATFL. Previous studies have ...
下胫腓联合韧带损伤与体位关系的生物力学分析-biomechanical analysis of the relationship between lower tibiofibular ligament injury and posture 中英文缩略词表英文缩略词英文全称中文名称BMbiomechanics生物力学ATiLanteriorinferiortibiofibularligament下胫腓前韧带ILinterosseousligament下胫腓骨间韧带PTiLposterior...
For 20 years, studies of the syndesmosis have focused on bimalleolar fracture or isolated acute syndesmosis sprain; there have been no studies of conjoint multiligament repair or of the role of syndesmosis rotational instability in chronic ankle instability, despite the fact that exhaustive preope...