FIBOCOM L610 系列 硬件指南 Page 8 of 52 1.3 引用标准 本产品在设计时参考以下标准: 3GPP TS 51.010-1 V10.5.0: Mobile StatI/On (MS) conformance specificatI/On; Part 1: Conformance specificatI/On 3GPP TS 34.121-1 V10.8.0: User Equipment (UE) conformance specificatI/On; RadI/O...
FIBOCOM_L610-CN系列硬件用户手册_V1.0.5 热度: FIBOCOM_FM150-AE模块硬件用户手册_V1.0.1 热度: CP1E CPU单元硬件(中文)用户手册 热度: G510OpenCPU硬件 用户手册 文档版本:V1.0.5 更新日期:2015.08.24 G510硬件OPENCPU用户手册Page2of12 版权所有©2015深圳市广和通无线股份有限公司。保留一切权利。
In addition, the 4G LTE Cat 1 module provides universal interfaces such as USB / UART / SPI / I2C / SDIO to meet various application demands of the IoT industry. It covers the frequency bands of major operators in Europe, and L610-CN and L610-LA of the same series cover the frequency ...
[Operating Guide] Fibocom_Dial Operation Guide_Windows.mp4 Fibocom_FM160_FW Download Process.mp4 [Operating Guide] Fibocom_Package Upgrade Instruction Manual_Linux.mp4 [Operating Guide] Fibocom_Unisoc Series_DUMP Log Capture Guide.mp4 [Operating Guide] Fibocom_L610_OpenCPU Programming.mp4...
广合通L610 AT操作手册 上传者:wlj1102_hh时间:2021-03-05 FIBOCOM_AT_Commands_User_Manual_eSIM_V1.0.2.pdf FIBOCOM_AT_Commands_User_Manual_eSIM_V1.0.2 上传者:w659377727时间:2021-08-30 无线传感网络技术 FIBOCOM_G510 OpenCPU 软件远程升级应用设计说明.pdf ...
FIBOCOM_L610_AT_Commands_User_Manual_TCP&UDP_V1.0.0.pdf 上传者:qq_28858275时间:2021-08-06 无线传感网络技术 FIBOCOM_G510 OpenCPU 软件远程升级应用设计说明.pdf 无线传感网络技术 FIBOCOM_G510 OpenCPU 软件远程升级应用设计说明.pdf 学习资料 复习资料 教学资源 ...