Firms Research Fiber-Optic Gyros as Successors to Ring-Laser Systems. Philip J. Aviation Week and Space Technology . 1989Philip J.Firms Research Fiber-Optic Gyros as Successors to Ring-Laser Systems. Aviation Week and Space Technology . 1989...
1)when a 40dB polarizer is used,the major reason for the bias drift of gyros is the intensity error but not the amplitude error.2)In open loop demodulation,the scale factor of the depolazed fiber gyros is larger than that of the PM fiber gyros.A method to reduce the bias drift is ...
It is a well-known fact that interferometric fiber optic gyroscopes (IFOGs) are easily distorted by thermal effects and distortion results in the degradation of the performance of these sensors. Changing the fiber coil geometry, increasing the winding symmetry, adding fiber buffer layers around the ...
摘要: PURPOSE: To provide the optical fiber coupler which is not degraded in strength by rubbing flaws during production, etc., is free from optical strains by strong bending and twisting and has stable characteristics and the process for production of such coupler....
Precision winding of fiber optic filament—Part 1: winding characteristics IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 39 (3) (1992), pp. 258-267 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 11 M Williams Optical fiber placement for crossover-free fiber optic gyros SPIE Proceedings International Society for Optical...
Two types of fiber optic gyros the Fabry-Perot interferometric sensor (FFPI) and is have been developed: Open loop fiber optic gyro and classified into two categories: Extrinsic Fabry-Perot closed loop fiber optic gyro. interferometer (EFPI) sensor and intrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer (IFPI) ...
Columbia Gorge Research, Fairview, Oregon Telecommunications have been revolutionized by fiber optic technology. The rev- olution began with limited system applications needing superior performance pro- vided by fiber optics. The revolution became a rout as mass production techniques ...
Fiber Optic Gyro performance has progressed sufficiently to allow production engineering for several applications. Data from a prototype gyro are presented showing a stable bias (< 0.1 deg/h) over 0 to 40 °C environment with low random noise (0.006 deg/√h) and modest open-loop scale factor...
Digital phase rampPhase modulatorThe all digital signal detection system based on the digital phase ramp modulation technology in closed-loop fiber optic gyros (FOGs)is developed. The measurement mothod of several importantparmeters and the rerults are presented....
Niesen, JZinkiewicz, LPayton, P. HMorrison, CUdd, Eric