The Tata Harrier was launched in India back in 2019, with the larger Safari following in 2021. Still, Tata decided to update both SUVs at the same time. Exterior changes are focused on the redesigned face, adopting Tata’s latest styling language introduced by the Curvv Concept...
The new model clearly has an international vocation; it was designed by the Fiat Style Centre, and its exterior styling is elegant, dynamic and typically ‘Italian'. The aim was to appeal to the public with uncluttered, smooth lines which confirm the new Fiat family feeeling (from the Grand...
Jnaneswar Sen, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Sales said that the company will be able to expand its footprint further in India with the launch of its upcoming new model, the Jazz. The Honda Jazz will be launched on July 8 and will rival Hyundai’s Elite i20, which has had a ...
Google parent Alphabet may soon have a major ally in its push toward autonomous vehicles, as the company is said to be "in the late stage of talks" with London-based Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. There is no word on exactly what the deal might entail, but it is unlikely to include...
Guangzhou Automobile Group in Changsha in central China. It is the place where from today the ‘Fei Xiang’ model (aka Viaggio) will be produced reaching in the first year 140.000 units in a plant that can produce 400.000. Fiat has a lot of expectations about this product because it will ...
dedicatedto creatinga generative AI chatbot. The product, which is speculated to be called HunyuanAide, will use Tencent’s own AI model, which had previously scored better than humans on a Chinese language understanding test. Tencent’s move comes amid a global surge in interest in genera...
Repositioning Strategy:Fiat has always known as a heritage car brand and most of its cars were of vintage quality. However, through its 500 series, it attempted to keep track with the latest changes in technology and emerging trends in automotive business. This repositioning is seen as a fairly...